Today, I did a last minute fall project. I got the wreath from the Dollar Store, where everything is $1. I love this store.I always go in with good intentions and walk out with 12 things. Kinda defeats the point. I also got these bunches of flowers from there as well.
I was inspired by a few different things I saw on the inter-webs. But one really motivated me. Sherry from Young House Love did her own take on a fall wreath and I figured, I could do that! So, I started clipping my flowers with my wire cutter and got to work.
I started by added my flowers one at a time, spacing out the colors. I didn't know if I was going to use the green leaves from my flowers, so I just kept them. After I got all of my flowers placed, I put in some of those leaves to give it more depth. I actually love the green in there. I feel like this project gave my back door something to love, not fear.
More cow bell. I gotta have more cow bell. Click on this link if you need a little laughter!
More cow bell. I gotta have more cow bell. Click on this link if you need a little laughter!
This project literally took me 15 minutes. I got out some twine and hung it on my door hanger. I love how it turned out.