Goals. To me, this can sometimes be a four-letter-word. You know the one you say and then instantly feel bad about. For me, I feel bad because I have been known to set goals and then not attain them. And that makes me sad. Especially when you write them down, come across them throughout the year, and realize none of them are underway. Like not even close.
Sometimes I feel like I'm setting myself up for failure. You know what I mean?
Not this year. This year I have two important goals. One is a personal goal and the second is a family goal that we came up with together.
Personal Goal:
Seriously, that's all. Finish.
Start something and then finish it.
Commence something and finish.
Or, finish something that has already been started.
For those of you who have seen my kitchen...yea.
I started crocheting a blanket for Kaitlyn while I was still pregnant. Honestly, this was three years ago I started this. Recently I came across said blanket. It was a hot mess. It had been moved around one too many times. So, I cut the cord (literally and figuratively) and started a different project- finishing off the yarn I had purchased and started on years ago.
I have made two scarves with this yarn. One for Emma and one for Kaitlyn. This makes me extremely happy. Not only because I finally finished a project I started about three years ago, but because I was able to make something for my girls, that they will love and cherish. Well, at least for the next few months. Hello, Winter Wonderland.
I have made two scarves with this yarn. One for Emma and one for Kaitlyn. This makes me extremely happy. Not only because I finally finished a project I started about three years ago, but because I was able to make something for my girls, that they will love and cherish. Well, at least for the next few months. Hello, Winter Wonderland.
I love being creative and making things with my hands. Here's another story about when I was pregnant with Kaitlyn. It was a Sunday morning and Ben and I started nailing some board and batten on our kitchen walls. This was a Sunday in July and it was excruciating hot. And I was 8 1/2 months pregnant. We decided to put our nail gun down and take Emma to the neighborhood pool. Long story short, about 8 hours later, Kaitlyn Nicole was born. That kitchen is still not finished. Everyday, it looks at me and taunts me into finishing it. I always make excuses...I need a new sander. I'm too tired. I need to do laundry. I'm feeling lazy today. I would rather take my children to the park. I'd rather just eat in the living room so I don't have to look at it. Nope. Not this year. I'm gonna finish those kitchen walls like my life depended on it.
Because, at this time in my life, it does.
Last year, I had a hard time. I felt like I was personally and professionally at a stand still. I was always tired and I wasn't happy where I was as an employee. I felt like I had no control and if something didn't get done, I was always ready with an excuse. Not. This. Year. Nope. Nuh-huh. I'm taking control. This is just one way to do that. FINISH.
Family Goal:
My husband is, what some would call, a home-body. He loves to stay home. He'd rather not go out. Ever. He has consistently claimed that he would be totally and completely happy if he lived in the mountains with no one around for miles. Well, except for his family. :) He likes us just fine. However, with his home-bodiedness (that's a word), it has been difficult to try new things. It's like if we do, it isn't up to snuff and he'd have been happier if we had just had dinner at home. Or the girls misbehave, or something is spilled or dropped and we all start crying...while we're trying to order drinks. Not this year. This year, we are going to try new things, and we're going to enjoy it.
This past weekend, we started this goal by trying a new restaurant we have never tried, but have mentioned on multiple occasions that we would love to try it. We did. It wasn't that great, but we did it. We also saw a movie that afternoon with the wandering Kaitlyn. She last about 45 minutes. And then we spent some time walking back and forth in the back of the theater. And then we went out to the hall. It was a lot of fun! No, but seriously. I'm really glad we tried these things.
This year, courtesy of my parents, we have passes to Thanksgiving Point and we're looking forward to trying that out throughout the year and seeing what it's all about.
We also went ice skating as a family for the first time. Although, now that I think about it, I don't think Ben and I have ever been ice skating together. Ever. Turns out it's a lot of fun and our girls thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Here's proof.
I'm glad I have these two goals this year. I feel as though they are attainable.
We started a bathroom a few months ago and we WILL get it finished this year.
All because of my goal.
Just kidding. ;)
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