Friday, December 6, 2013

Christmas Chain

Today, I am off work. That means I get stuff done. Something I really wanted to do today was a Christmas craft with Emma. We have never done a Christmas chain before, so I though this would be a good craft project to do with her. What could be easier than gluing paper together to make a chain? Also, she got to use her glue stick, so I figured it was a sure thing. I figured wrong. She got about 5 paper chains deep and decided she was done. It was "long enough". She is now watching one of the chipmunk movies. She is obsessed right now. Oh well. At least I tried, right?

Anyways, before she was over it, this was our game plan. I got four corresponding pieces of scrapbook paper (not too matchy-matchy), a glue stick, cutting board, X-Acto knife, and a 12-inch ruler. 

I got to work cutting the paper in 1-inch strips. Emma got to work gluing them together. Easy-peasy, nice and Christmas-y. :) Since she only made a short one and is now engrossed in her movie, I have finished with my strips and we now have a beautiful Christmas Chain. 

I know I'm not inventing the wheel over here, but we have never done this before and I though it was a fun craft project to do with my eldest child. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Confessions of a Working Mom

Do you ever feel that you are the only one? For anything. It could be not eating breakfast because you forget, never cleaning your car out, bribing your kids to get them to sit 
for a picture you're hoping to use for the family Christmas card, or farting at the gym 
when you're the only one in the cardio cinema. No, that last one is only me. I wanted to post some things that no one knows about me. I'm hoping this will bring optimism to others. Maybe, with my confessions, you will know that your weirdness and uniqueness may not be so weird and unique after all. Maybe a lot of people don't eat breakfast because, literally, they forgot. I know that happens to me far more than I care to admit. 

Here are three of my confessions that I am experiencing today. 

First, sometimes I go to start something, namely painting my little piggies, and can only get one done before someone is yelling outside the bathroom door. That is not limited to my husband or my children. This goes for shaving my legs as well.
 I can't remember I shaved above my knee!  

Second, we put up our Christmas tree 2 nights ago. It continues to sit undecorated. Why? Because the night we put it up, I didn't get home until right before dinner and then it was bed time by the time we figured out how to put the dang tree up. You see, this year, we upgraded to a bigger, pre-lit tree and it was a little tricky figuring how to put it up. It tilts slightly to one side, so hopefully that won't be a problem. 

Thirdly, sometimes when I've had a long day and we don't have any treats in the house, because I try to limit how much sugar we intake, I resort to 2-week-old frosting from my daughter's birthday, smeared on graham crackers. Don't get me wrong. I think it's the best thing known to woman-kind. But, every once in awhile I would like to have something a little more dessert-esque. Like a real piece of cake, a bowl of ice cream, or a Twinkies. 

How about you guys? Any confessions of working moms or stay-at-home moms?