Monday, January 20, 2014

Chalk It Up to a Win

Ben and I are really working at de-cluttering our home. We've been getting rid of things like crazy. In the process, I've come across some things that I have completely forgotten about. Don't you love that? I found this frame in my office/catch-all-for-everything. I got it on clearance at Hobby Lobby. I think I probably paid around $10 for it. It's fairly large and in good shape, but it just wasn't doing it for me. The glass had broken and I almost just got rid of it. Then I remembered all of these pins on Pinterest in regard to DIY chalkboard art. I knew this was what I had to do. We had chalkboard paint in our stash of paints and I already had the paint brushes on hand too. 
This was a free project. 
Here is my frame as it started. 

1. Lay out your board in your work space.
2. I primed mine because I had the primer and I though it would help the chalkboard paint adhere a bit better. I'm sure you could skip this step though. Just sand a bit before you start with the chalkboard paint.
3. Let primer dry completely. 
4. I did my first coat of chalkboard paint with a foam brush. It worked well, but took forever. 
5. Coats 2,3, and 4 went on with a foam roller. This worked a lot better. I was able to really saturate the board and get good coverage. This is what I would suggest if you try this project. 
6. DONE!

I then lightly sanded the whole thing to smooth things out. At that time, you condition your board. Pretty simple. 

Once you're done doing all of that, put your frame back together, hang up, and enjoy your handy work. You just made a free/cheap project from start to finish. And, it only took one day working on it off and on. 


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Finger Knitting a Scarf

Last night, after bed time, I got to thinking about knitting. I am able to crotchet pretty well and I have tried knitting with a knitting loom. I have heard about the arm knitting, so I thought I would try my hand at it. After watching some YouTube videos and trying my darnedest to make mine look like theirs, I got to thinking. Maybe I could knit with my fingers as well. So, I tried and it turned out great. It was a lot like a knitting loom, but you don't need the loom itself. You can use your fingers. 
Here are some pictures of how I did it. 

Step 1.  Make a slip knot. If you don't know how, just google it. It's pretty easy. Make sure it's large enough to be able to go around all four fingers. 
Step 2. Twine the yarn around your fingers. So, it's enveloping your finger. Basically, just twist it around your finger. This reminds me of brass knuckles. 
Step 3. Do it again. Twine the yarn around your fingers again. So, this time you have two lines on each finger. Starting with your pinkie, take the bottom line of yarn and flip it over the top line. Do this on all fingers. 
Step 4-however long you want it. Keep twining and flipping. The step 4 picture above show what it looks like when you have some chains together. 

After you get it to your desired length (I just had it wrapped around my neck a few times) you will want to cast off. Here, you'll just take your four loops and use the length of yarn you have at the start of your scarf from your slip knot and stitch it together. There is no rhyme or science behind this, just close her up. Tie lots of knots to hide your ends inside the scarf. This makes it an infinity scarf and if you've tied well, you won't be able to see where the start/end of your scarf is. 

I am able to wrap it around my neck 4 times, which is perfect to achieve the infinity scarf, cozy look. In all, I think this took me about 30 minutes. Super quick, super easy. Takes no thinking at all. Just my cup of tea. 
I also have other yarn that I might make into these too. 
Emma wants a pink one. :)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Entry to my Heart

I am a woman of lists. I have lists out the wazoo. I have lists of lists. Heck, I even have lists of lists of lists. This list is continually growing. Sometimes, if we're lucky productive, things will even be crossed off. So far, we have replaces all of our faucets and light fixtures. We've painted four out of our eight rooms. Not bad...50/50. 

This year though, I have some high hopes and some big dreams. We've been in this house for 2 1/2 years now, and I have yet to really make it feel like our home. It's certainly a work in process. We've come a very long way so far, but this rodeo is far from over. I have big ambitions, but a small wallet, if you know what I mean. We have some big items on our lists- like our two bathrooms, our kitchen, replacing our flooring, replacing our windows, and continuing to make out home somewhere we feel safe, comfortable, and we want to race back to at the end of our days. However, we had to save and scour stores and the internet for good deals. Recently, we got a new washer and dryer. They are Samsung front loader machines and there were mildly the love of my life when we first got them. Anything to make my life easier is fine by me. These were the first of our appliances that we replaced. The rest are yet to come. 

There is something I've been seeing a lot of lately, planked walls. This is one thing I am dying to do this year in my entryway. It is at the top of my list. 
When we moved into this house, everything was painted the same color. This included walls, ceilings, and even some fixtures attached to said walls and ceiling. Right now, I am crushing on these planked walls. This is something that could be done relatively inexpensively and I think it will bring so much character into our dull entryway. She needs a face lift, if you know what I mean. 

I have found quite a few tutorials on Pinterest that I will try to replicate for my space. Here are some of my favorites. Seems easy enough. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Nursery Art

I love customizing things for me and my family. This includes art for their room. Now, I'm not one to go out and buy art. I'd much rather make my own art if I can help it. When I was pregnant with Kaitlyn, I got to work on some customized art for right above her crib. I wanted her to have something fun to look at and high enough to be out of her reach. So, I got together 3 frames, spray painted each one white, and went about getting some inspiration to put in the frames. 

I love trees, so when I found this tree with heart leaves on my Silhouette software, I knew just what to do with it. I cut the tree out with the plaid pattern and then cut the hearts out with another pattern. They didn't match by any means, but together, I think they go well together. If you don't have a Silhouette or other cutting machine, you can always print something out and use an x-acto knife to get the job done. 
Lord knows that's what I did before I got the cutting machine. :)

On the other side is a tree branch with a bird on it. Again, I choose colors that went well together, but didn't match. 

The middle picture was simple a small square of scrapbook paper that ties in colors from the pictures on either side of it. 

This was a really simple task and I love the results, even one and a half years later. Luckily, this little girl loves it too. The K was something else I just cut out and put in a frame. Easy peasy is my middle name.