Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Entry to my Heart

I am a woman of lists. I have lists out the wazoo. I have lists of lists. Heck, I even have lists of lists of lists. This list is continually growing. Sometimes, if we're lucky productive, things will even be crossed off. So far, we have replaces all of our faucets and light fixtures. We've painted four out of our eight rooms. Not bad...50/50. 

This year though, I have some high hopes and some big dreams. We've been in this house for 2 1/2 years now, and I have yet to really make it feel like our home. It's certainly a work in process. We've come a very long way so far, but this rodeo is far from over. I have big ambitions, but a small wallet, if you know what I mean. We have some big items on our lists- like our two bathrooms, our kitchen, replacing our flooring, replacing our windows, and continuing to make out home somewhere we feel safe, comfortable, and we want to race back to at the end of our days. However, we had to save and scour stores and the internet for good deals. Recently, we got a new washer and dryer. They are Samsung front loader machines and there were mildly the love of my life when we first got them. Anything to make my life easier is fine by me. These were the first of our appliances that we replaced. The rest are yet to come. 

There is something I've been seeing a lot of lately, planked walls. This is one thing I am dying to do this year in my entryway. It is at the top of my list. 
When we moved into this house, everything was painted the same color. This included walls, ceilings, and even some fixtures attached to said walls and ceiling. Right now, I am crushing on these planked walls. This is something that could be done relatively inexpensively and I think it will bring so much character into our dull entryway. She needs a face lift, if you know what I mean. 

I have found quite a few tutorials on Pinterest that I will try to replicate for my space. Here are some of my favorites. Seems easy enough. 

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