Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Real Life Reveal: Day 3

My youngest daughter is 19 months now. She started sleeping through the night at around 4 months. Lately, she has been getting up again. And by lately, I mean for the last 11 nights (but who’s counting).

This is part of the reason my house is a bit chaotic. Once bedtime comes and goes for my kids, I am on the couch in my own PJs watching something just for me. Most recently, this includes Scandal. Love me some Kerry Washington. 

Anyways, I am one tired momma these days. I need a minimum of 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep. When that does not happen, you’ll know.
 I'll tell you what gets me through it. Coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. Sometimes 3 cups of coffee. Sometimes more. It’s what got me through my school years- when I was going to school full time, while working a full-time job, while having a 1 year old keeping me up all night, every night, while trying to have something left over for my husband. It was the hardest 2 years of my life...but SO worth it.

Back to the point. Was there ever a point? Yes, there was.
Case in point.  I am tired. My house is a mess.

Here is a picture of what my closet looks like. You only get a picture of the one side because our closet door was knocked off its track by one or two of my children and we have not had the time or energy to put it back on.
I see pictures of beautiful closets. I drool over said pictures. It’s still not motivation enough for me to even finish painting my closet. That’s right folks. My bedroom was the first room we painted, over 2 years ago, and the closet is still unpainted.*Duly noted* I am aware how pathetic that looks.  Whatevs.

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